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The Greater Manchester Cricket League | Est 2016 | an accredited ECB Premier League





Women & Girls Cricket in GMCL

Olivia Kay joined the GMCL team to oversee the development of the Women & Girl's game in the league and we are delighted at the success of the competitions so far. We are greatly looking forward to the 2025 season with more teams joining and continuing the development of Women & Girls cricket within the GMCL.

Olivia can be contacted for more information or advice on


We are happy to announce that the GMCL is now taking over the responsibility of running the GMCL Girls Representative Teams. Previously, the Lancashire Cricket Foundation has organised the teams, but moving forward, we will be managing the squads and trials ourselves.

For this year, there will be the following age groups:

• Under 13s

• Under 15s

• Under 17s

We are now inviting nominations for players to join these teams. Please use the below form to nominate your girls. 

You will see that we are also looking for volunteers/coaches to run these Representative Teams. If you or anyone at your club would like to get involved, please do let us know. We are especially keen to get more female coaches involved and this would be the perfect opportunity!

We are really looking forward to developing the young talent across our league and promoting more opportunities for our girls.

Any questions, please don't hesitate to email Olivia on


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