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The Greater Manchester Cricket League | Est 2016 | an accredited ECB Premier League





Peter Bartram RIP

3 May 2019

It is with great sadness we announce the passing of one of our League Panel Umpires, Peter Bartram. Peter was for a number of years the regular Scorer for Bamford Fieldhouse CC. This was in the days of Scorebook’s (remember those?) and he always took the greatest pride in his work and being neat and correct.  He took great delight in the use of different coloured pens to represent Batsmen/Bowlers/Fielders and woe betide any Umpire who changed a decision which resulted in Peter having to amend his Scorebook!  League’s then required a full Scoresheet to be completed after each Match for the Umpires to check and sign.  Peter had them ready immediately after the Match finished and they could always be relied upon as being correct. Indeed, he took it as a personal slight if an Umpire queried anything!

In 2016 Peter decided to join the Umpiring ranks, joining the GMCL Panel in 2018, where he was a valuable member of the Panel and well liked Umpire.

Peter loved his cricket and felt that whilst a physical disability prevented him from playing, he could still be involved in the sport, initially by Scoring and then by Umpiring.

As a non-driver he travelled to every match by public transport. Newhey Tram Stop was a well frequented port of call for him.

Peter was a character and will be missed by his family and many friends in the local cricketing community.

To date funeral details have not been announced but as soon as we aware of such we will post all the details on the website.

3 May 2019